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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is it like being in an Anime Convention?

Question: What is it like being in an Anime Convention!?
Well im thinking about going to an anime convention an i never been to one!?

so all i need to know is

whats it like!?
What should i wear!?
Is it fun!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They are very fun to go to with friends! =)
It's still fun to go alone too because you can always meet new people!.
Anime conventions are awesome because everyone has the same interests so it's pretty easy to relate to each other!.
Of course, you will feel kind of out of place if you don't like anime!.
There are panels to go to, cosplay photoshoots if you cosplay, the dealer's room, the cosplay contest with skits and walk-ons, and plently of other things!.
You can wear just regular everyday clothes or you can cosplay!.

Cosplay is dressing up as an anime character!.
You can buy a costume online or make one if you are good at sewing!.
It's always fun to cosplay!. Especially when you see someone else cosplaying as a character from the same series as you or someone compliments your costume!.
Be prepared to have your picture taken a lot if it's a good costume (or if it's REAAAALLY bad, lol)!.

You should go, it's kind of like a three day escape from real life!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lots of screaming girls with pink hair!.

Anthony PittarelliWww@QuestionHome@Com

Never been but i would assume they are pretty laid back and if your in to that sort of thing you will have a ball!.Www@QuestionHome@Com