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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do I acheive smooth "comicbook-like" colouring in Photoshop?

Question: How do I acheive smooth "comicbook-like" colouring in Photoshop!?
How do I get the sort of seamless colour flow!? I've tried using the blur and smudge tool with limited success!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A lot of practice!. This style is achieved using various soft and hardnesses w/ the Brush and Airbrushing tool!.!.!.!.!.a wacom pen tablet can really help alot!. also you can play around w/ some gradient fills!.!.!.!.and also solid fills and then using the dodge an burn tools to create darks and highlights works well as well!.

Basically its like painting and building up the artwork in layers!. There is no "magic button" or filter that is going to achieve the look your after!.!.!.just dedication, talent and hard work!. :) You can do it! I'd suggest doing a search for photoshop tutorials related to illustrating!.!.!.like "illustration techniques in photoshop" for example!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm able to make photos look cartoon-like by:
Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur!.!.!. apply it lightly!.!.!. Edit>Fade Gaussian>Darken

Trying that might help you out with it, if via a little trial and error with more or less!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Incase you want to try another editing program:


try a filter!.!.!.!. play around with them and see which one suits youWww@QuestionHome@Com