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Question: Learning to write left-handed!?
I am currently right-handed but wish to learn how to write well with my left hand!.

Just wondered how I would go about this!? Any tips or online help guides!? Not sure where to start after picking up a pen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm left handed, doing the same as you!.;but just learning to write with my right hand!.

My great grandfather was ambidextrous; and my older sister was originally left handed but she naturally became ambidextrous after using her right hand so much since shes a ultrasound sonagrepher!.

The reason why I wanted to do this because it hit me one day when I almost tore a muscle and I had to wear a brace in my left arm for a week, I realized Im COMPLETELY left sided!. I can't do anything with my right side!. So I was saying to myself "What would happen if something happened permanently to my left hand, and I couldn't use it god for bid!?" So I decided to practice becoming ambixetrous!.

I am already getting better at writing, and this is what you can do, Ill just switch it for you since your right handed!.

Daily activities, such as washing dishes, even though that requires both hands, switch the sponge into your left hand!. Pour water or whatever you are pouring with your left hand!. Things like that, brus your teeth with your left hand!. If you are having problems, tape your arm so you can't move it!. [I had to do this a few times] And slowly you will notice that your going to use both sides equally!. Practice everyday writing with both hands!. I have a huge urge to write with my right hand now!. Do it, its fun to watch your progress!.

However, if your working with dangerous things such as hammers or other tools, use your right hand!. Don't risk it!.

Best of luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, i am left-handed but I've learnt to write with right hand!.
Of course you should practice plus try to do more things with your left hand!. Just simple everyday things like using a spoon, texting, anything really that you would normally do with your right hand (stay away from knives though :)
As for writing try single letters first like whole line of the same letter (get a writing book)!. You need a lot of patience!. Good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

You could start by buying one of those handwriting books for young children where you write over the letters!. After that it's just a case of plenty of practice!. But why do you want to learn to write left-handed anyway!? I'm left-handed and don't have any desire to change!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Practice, Practice Practice!Www@QuestionHome@Com

hold the pen nearer to the tip and concentrate really hardWww@QuestionHome@Com

Pick up a pen and practiceWww@QuestionHome@Com

break your right arm and you'll be forced to write with your left!.Www@QuestionHome@Com