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Question: When photographing in the studio!.!.!.!?
do you prefer to use the real thing or fake (fake leaves, fake flowers, fake fruits, fake ice cubes, etc!.)!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Usually, if it's available (like autumn leaves), I use the real product!.!.!. if it's not, I use the fake!. The real product almost always looks better!. The only exception to this is ice cubes!.!.!. since they melt so quickly, I only use the fake!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most everything I shoot in the studio is supplied by the client so it the products are the real deal!.

The one thing that works well that is manmade are the acrylic ice cubes !.!.!. there is no other way to go when it comes to shooting ice!.

I shoot mostly models, so I will let you decide for yourself in that arenaWww@QuestionHome@Com

For me it depends on the look of them!. I much rather have the real thing, especially with leaves, plants ans such!. The colors are usually more vibrant than fake ones!.
As far as ice cubes!.!.!.I have not tried it!. Seems like it can become very bothersome!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Natural, as much as possible!.!.!.!. but!.!.!. water-drops on a cherry or on an apple will not resist for a long time so we use gelatin drops, on a barbecue we will put amoniac and clorhidric acid to simulate the freshy steam!.!.!. and plastic ice cubes will never meltWww@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on what I'm doing, sometimes fake, sometimes real!. I hate fake eaves, though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

to borrow a phrase: "There's nothing like the real thing, Baby"Www@QuestionHome@Com