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Question: Art Promoter!?
Where and how to market my sculpture art!?

Like to target on upscale gallery, auction, where to find art promoter!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You should join this: http://www!.sculpture!.org/

If you have the money you could hire an art representative or art agent!.

Getting your sculpture into a gallery is hard to do, but can be done!. You’ll need professional photographs taken of the art from different views!. The medium and the sizes of the sculptures An artist resume with an artist statement!. Contact galleries that exhibit artwork like what you create!. Talk to the owner or the manager responsible for new exhibits!.

Expect rejection and keep going!. Expect rejection and for sure:

“Keep Arting!”
Jeff (weseye) WesleyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Just do it around target and there you have itWww@QuestionHome@Com