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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Child porn or Artist ? (Australia)?

Question: Child porn or Artist !? (Australia)!?
A gentleman was recently arrested in Australia for his depiction of young girls!.

Does this person have the right to make art out of this kind of material!? Or should they be hung from the nearest tree!?

I learned tonight that there is a connection between art, and the freedoms we all enjoy!. A way to express or make a point!.
But where is the line drawn!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i would have to see an example of the painting to answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think is pornography, not even close!. From a definition standpoint, pornography is anything that is created to cause sexual excitement or arousal!. It was not done in a sexual way at all, and had the consent of both the girl and her parents!. Since when is being naked automatically pornography!?

I have naked images on my nephew, am I promoting child pornography!? Are paintings of the baby jesus naked pornography!?

What I find funny is that if this exhibition did not get the media attention it did, a few hundred people would have seen it!. Instead, millions did!. Kind of a backfire for the people who consider the photos to be pornography!?

Some people are very narrow minded!.!.
And he has been cleared of all wrong doing :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i guess it depends on what the girls are doing in the pictures i know in photography they have allowed pictures of naked children as long as they are not doing anything sexually suggestive why probably because the judges in the cases like that kind of junk however whats the difference between a picture of a naked white girl in a bath tub or a naked black girl on the streets of an African village one is considered OK the other not OK it is a mess of double standards but i say lets get the ropeWww@QuestionHome@Com

A lot has to do with 'motivation', if it had anything to do with sexual arousal ohn the part of the artist or his wish to engender those feelings in others ten castration seems to be quite lenient!. But there again there's a lot of images in art that can be taken as obscene!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have never seen his work!. I guess you have to be so careful these days!.All bodies are beautiful in their own way!. It is even more beautiful when not sexual!.
We have to protect our young from depraved monsters, but if it is within the presence of and with the approval of the parents as well as the young person , and limited as to where it is shown maybe that would be ok!?
I dont know really,Www@QuestionHome@Com

I seem to remember Michael Jackson having books depicting paintings and drawings of children, he called them art books, and did not get prosecuted!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.so!!!!!!!!!By the way I am NOT condemning M!.J either, just stating a factWww@QuestionHome@Com