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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I am interested in learing photoshop tricks and some basic of graphic designing.

Question: I am interested in learing photoshop tricks and some basic of graphic designing!. can anyone help me!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

if you have any other questions about photoshop just email me from my profile!. I'll answer as soon as I can!. (I have been in photoshop for 15 years!.)

I can also give you a short list of do's and don'ts to get you started doing some graphic designWww@QuestionHome@Com

There is actually a book called Photoshop Tips and Tricks!. I got mine at Barnes&Noble last year!. You can also look online for CD programs of Photoshop or there is a monthly Photoshop magazine that has different creative and fun projects including a participation CD in every issue!. These are great!. Hope I was able to help!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Think of Photoshop as a pile of transparencies!. Use the layers, they are your best friends!.

2!. Learn the quick keys!. Menus are great for keeping track of what you're doing at first, but the quick keys let you be much more intuitive!.

3!. When selecting, save the selection as you go!. It's infuriating to do a whole laborious, painstaking selection, make a mistake and go past your undo limit and have to start over!.

4!. If using the rubber stamp tool, option-click for your image source from different areas!. This prevents that repetition that is a dead giveaway!.

5!. Before you do anything at all, duplicate the opening image!. Then just turn it off but keep it there as backup!. This is a safety net!.

6!. Every time you think you're done with a component of the image (and the complete one) zoom in close and check that every pixel is in place!. Then zoom back out, back away from the screen, narrow your eyes and make sure the composition, color and light/dark balance are where you want them!.

7!. Save a psd with layers before you flatten and save as whatever other format you require!.

8!. Experiment A LOT! Mess around!. Plan to spend about 60 hours a day, because Photoshop will soon own your soul!.

9!. I'm out of time!.!.!. but those are some of the most important things I've noticed people sometimes don't realize, and they make a big difference!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I just started messing around with pictures, and looking up tutorials when I needed help with anything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com