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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do you load film in this camera?

Question: How do you load film in this camera!?
I have an old camera!. A Nikkormat!. This links looks identical to the camera I'm using:

I cant seem to open the part where you put the film!. Can anyone help me to open the door to load the film!?

Thanks so much for anyones help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Look on the side of the camera where the rewind knob is and at the bottom there is a little level looking thing !.!.!. just pull it down and that will release the cameras back !.!. then pull up on the rewind knob to make room for the film!.

There are some instructions with pictures on the web, but rather than me looking for them for you, the best way is to go into a camera store and have them show you how to load your camera !.!. or better yet, take a class in photography and you will learn all that and much, much more!.

You will also have to find a battery for your camera since the one it used to use had mercury in it and was banned years ago!.Www@QuestionHome@Com