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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I want to make a poster of ripples. on which sites can i find free images with n

Question: I want to make a poster of ripples!. on which sites can i find free images with no watermark spoiling the image
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
try these ones, hope i helped youWww@QuestionHome@Com

There are some free image sites that you can look at!. Try www!.sxc!.hu - you have to register but there are lots of free photos on there!.

Or, if you have photoshop, you could add a filter to an existing image to get the effect you require (there is a 'ripple' filter on it I think)Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can download photos and images of the Internet then crop the image using photoshop ( or equivalent ) then re save it!.
It will be slightly smaller but have no watermark
Or if your clever you can copy and paste part of the image to hide itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Morguefile!.com has literally hundreds of thousands of free images!. They are royalty free but the photographer retains the copyright and allows you to use them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com