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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do you get comic book like colors without a computer?

Question: How do you get comic book like colors without a computer!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
On white paper, sketch your comic out in pencil first!. Do outlines only!. When it's where you want it, erase it all back so only the faintest outlines show!.

Then color in using either colored pencils or, for a smoother effect, watercolor paints!. Do one color at a time, so for example paint all the bits that will be yellow, then all the red, then all the blue!. This will make it more comic-bookish because it simulates the printing process!. It also lets the individual colors dry so the next one won't run into it!.

After all the coloring is done, and it is all well dry and flat, ink in black over the pencil outlines!. Voila!Www@QuestionHome@Com