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Question: Not sure about attending college for Photography!?
Would it be a good idea
check out my work I've been shooting for a year let me know what you think and if anyone has attending photography school what did you get out of it!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
WARNING! I have a lot to say about this!

I'm actually a senior at a large university in the Houston, Texas area!. I'm majoring in Photography with a minor in French!.

Before I chose this major, I had changed my plan four times!. For instance, I thought it would be fun to teach and I'm very patient, but once I started taking the specific classes for it, I realized it wasn't really what I wanted to do!. One day after such a class, it suddenly struck me to go to school for photography--something I'm actually passionate about and don't ever get bored of!.

When it came to choosing schools, I tried to find one that had the most modern, hands-on, and complete program!. For instance, I wanted a class that would teach me all about the digital age!. I wanted a class that would show me how to set up my own studio lights!. I wanted a program that would give me the opportunity to try out all aspects of photography (studio, sports, fashion, photojournalism)!. And I wanted a program that would challenge me to learn more!. At my university, I've gotten exactly that!

As for the above answers:

It does definitely get expensive!. You are constantly buying paper and making prints!. Even digital teachers like to see your digital photos on paper!. And if you are taking very advanced courses, you might need advanced equipment!. Some schools or teachers though have lending programs to complete your assignments!.

Photojournalism is a great idea! -- If you don't mind handing over the rights to your photos, not receiving as much credit as you would as a freelance photographer, or lame assignments that might "cheapen" photography!. For instance, my best photo friend works for three newspapers at once right now!. She really has a blast doing it, but she is sometimes bothered that she's not taken seriously as an artistic photographer!. Her most recent assignment was to photograph people's feet on her college campus!. O!.o You just have to explore the good and bad, and decide if it's right for YOU!.

If you're interested in film, you find a school with a strong film program!. If you're interested in digital, you find a digital program!. However, many digital programs still have prerequisite film classes, and you might be surprised at how fun it can actually be! Film classes can teach you to understand your camera and its controls much better, rather than relying on those automatic digital settings all the time!. You usually get a more in-depth view at how photography works, and it's really quite fascinating!. Once you finish the (one or two usually) film classes, you have a whole selection of digital class to choose from!.

I also think Lou is partly right!. You should find a program that has hands-on training so you can get out there and really learn!. Not sit at a desk listening to a teacher drone about white balance!.!.!. You need a class that you can really DO!. It would also be a good idea to take business classes, like he said!. Many photo majors here at my college are business minors so that they can run their own studios well!. Interns are a really great way to learn if you can find a good mentor!. I've already tried twice, recently, and both ended up being flops!. One was so boring and mundane, he sapped all the fun out of photography!. The other was so unorganized, I could never keep up with all his messes and "plans"!.

A great photo program is also not for the faint of heart!. If your teachers are good teachers, they will be critical, and sometimes it will be harsh!. Sometimes you'll break your back to get that ONE shot for class, and the teacher will hate it anyway!. It's all about being challenged to go further, to learn more, to improve yourself!.

As for YOUR photography, I think you've definitely got potential!. You have some great shots that keep my interest and have me wanting to see more!. You also have really great color schemes!. It looks like you've already begun to develop your own personal style!.

Now you just have to decide if college photography is right for you or not!. I hope some of my opinions and input helped out!. If you have more questions you can email me from my profile!.

Good luck and keep shooting no matter what! :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Attending college, yes!.!.!.for photography (major) no!. Why!? Because most of the real skills needed for photography aren't learned in the classroom but in practice and that can be learned as in intern!. However, I sincerely believe to be a success in photographic career you need to learn about business and sales!. For those disciplines, a college degree is most useful!. Now if you want to be on the cutting edge of photographic and imaging, a technical field of study is essential and that is best received at Rochester Institute of Photography in New York!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is up to you!. In this day and age, you will need some kind of degree from a college or university!.

If you are not sure what a photography school will do for you then you may not want to be a photographer!. In today's photo market a photographer has to know how to use any camera, film or digital, small or large format!. Without those skills you may find it difficult to make a living as a photographer!.

Here are the top three in the US !.!. take a look and decide what you want to do!.


I waited to go to photo school and wasted nearly four years floundering around, learning bad habits and wasting money on cameras I didn't need!.

Finally I attended Brooks!. The rest is history!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Unfortunately, most colleges teach you to use film instead of digital!. I feel like the whole thing is outdated!. Everything that you could learn in college you could learn from just trying new things or reading books!. I started going to college for Photography but they focused on art, whereas I was interested in fashion!. If you choose not to go, but still feel like you need to learn, try getting an internship with a nearby photographer!. You can learn without having to pay!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I see some great stuff on here and definately think you can benefit from photography school!. I'm going to the Art Institute right now and am enjoying it!. This school mainly focuses on digital photography, but there is some film photography as well!. At this school, we do a little bit of everything!.!.!. portraiture, photojournalism, advertising, etc!. There is so much to learn and I love being able to get help and direct feedback from the instructors!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


I am the lead photographer at my school!. I shot all the major events and was the lead photographer for the yearbook!. A major in photo would be fun, but your major will not secure you a job in the future!. Most photographers are free lance and dont have a steady income!. However if you are really set on photo being your major just know that later in life you will not have a steady income!. DO what im doing!. Major in a field and then minor in photography!. That way if you want to learn more about photography you get your classes but you also have a degree that businesses will hire you by!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

here's an idea--get a degree in photojournalism!.

it's perfect! you get to take pictures, and learn how to write and be guaranteed a somewhat-solid job after college is over!

i wanted to study film and video, and i did broadcast journalism in my degree!. i am now a news reporter and i do some art on the side! it's so perfect!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I took courses online for photography and everything the course showed me I found in books and it was a lot cheaper than the course!. Not to mention you don't need a diploma to become a photographer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com