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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What colors should I use for these parts of the picture I'm drawing?

Question: What colors should I use for these parts of the picture I'm drawing!?
I'm drawing a picture for my boyfriend and I would like it to be perfect and for the colors to all flow nicely, but not match because then it'll just look like 1 big mess of colors that are close together!. I need contrast, but still need it to look nice!.
Basically, what I really want to know is, what should I color the pink fairy's wings!? I was thinking orange!. And do you see the pipe that the purple smoke and the fairies are coming out of!? I have no clue what color to make that!. I don't want it to match with anything like no green, purple, or pink considering I already have those colors, I just want a different color that will flow nicely with the picture!. It's supposed to be a "trippy" picture!.

Here is the picture (the image did contain nudity but I editted it out to make it user-friendly):

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
totally groovey pic! since you have these to fairies in warm and cool colors, i think orange would be a great choice for the wings!. i actually got a tatoo, with two kois swimming around, and one fish has the cooler colors and the other is warm!. the pipe is hard!. just an idea, but what if you used red and black but in a different medium, example pen/ink!. that way, it's not only a different color but different texture as well!. like the pipe is realistic and the fairies are a "trip" or imagined!. anyway, good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You need to read a little about color theory!.

Color theory will TELL you what colors go with what, it's a basic requirement of anything you draw!. Read the wiki below and you'll know the answer every time it comes up!. :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com