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Question: Good Drawing Utensils!?
I love to draw, but I'm usually using computer paper or lined-paper and a pencil, Sharpie or pen!. So, I'm planning on getting a sketch book and some good drawing-pencils (!?)!. Nothing too spendy, but just a really good quality - if that makes sense!. Any recommendations!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
since ur beginning i wud buy a pack of art pencils, in which there are (generally) 2h, hb, b, & 2b, plus a gum eraser!.!.!.im assuming ur unsure of the letters' meanings, so:
h stands for hard: its a harder lead, there4 when u press on it, less lead comes off, leaving the line lighter!.!.!.the higher the # in front of the h the harder (or lighter) it is - example: 4h is lighter than 2h, k!?
b stands for bold: its a softer lead so when u press on it, more lead comes off, leaving ur line darker!.!.!.the higher the # on the b pencils, the darker it is - (its revers of h) example: 8b is darker than 2b
hb is the happy medium btween the 2!.!.!.
b/c ur beginning its good 4 u 2 get the pack, b/c its cheaper- when u get more advanced i wud suggest investing in a few more shades, say 5b and 8b, which r my personal favorite pencils, b/c in ur drawings contrast (light and dark areas) is very important!.
heres a key 2 use the pencils:
2h - hb is good 4 sketching lightly
b- 2b is good for light shading
5b is good 4 medium to dark shading
8b is good for dark shading
hope this helps & good luck in ur drawing career!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Um the person that answered above me had a good anwser but I would also try getting a charcoal pencil and some colored pencils!. also try working with different thing for example I love to color some of my anime drawings with highlighters and gel pens!.!.!. lol

Hope this helps you good luck

Here are some great and relatively inexpensive materials that I use:

There's all kinds of pencils out there, so you'll want to experiment with different kinds and brands to find out what you personally like!. To start off with it's good to get a basic set with a good range of values!. I really love Derwent brand pencils, they work great for me, but here are a few basic, good quality sets:




Next, you'll need an eraser!. I would die without my kneaded eraser, they are the best!

Kneaded eraser:

Drawing paper depends on the medium you use and your personal preference (and good drawing paper can be really expensive), but for sketching with pencil, charcoal, pen and ink, etc!. I use Strathmore 400 series!. I love this paper because it's cheap but I get really good results with it!


For blending and shading with charcoal and graphite, I find these really useful:


!.!.!. but you could also use tissue and cotton-balls, etc!.

Other materials that are really fun to use:

Pencil washes:
these are awesome! You use them on dry paper and then add water for a wash effect!.

If you're not familiar with charcoal then try a charcoal pencil:
They are essential to me, because with graphite you can't get very dark - even with a 9b pencil, it stills gives a shiny gray look!. With charcoal you can get black shades without a shine to it!.

Woodless graphite! Pencils without wood - great for shading and really fun to use:

If you like pens, then the standard is Koh-I-Noor Rapidograph Pens:
They're the best, but really expensive!. You could try experimenting with cheaper brands: http://www!.dickblick!.com/categories/pens!.!.!.

!.!.!.hope this helps, have fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com