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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Please Help!!!!!!!!!!!! 10 points!!!!

Question: Please Help!!!!!!!!!!!! 10 points!!!!!!!!!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!?
How much could I sell a single drum from india on ebay for!?
It looks almost identical to this one:
Mine actually looks in a better condition thanthis one!. I won it in a raffle about 5 years ago!. Does anybody know what kind of drum this is!?
Whoever gives me a best answer, gets 10 points and 5 stars!
I'd like to take a picture of it to put on yaho answers, but how do I do that!?
I only know how to put linksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That is a very pretty drum! Depending on what part of India, I would say it is worth 100-300 dollars! However, that is what it is WORTH!. On ebay, I would be surprised if you got more than 75!. To post a pic on here you have to first put the pic on an internet photo-sharing site such as photobook or Flickr!.
Then you can put up the link to the pic on websites like this!. Good Luck! Let me know how much you are selling for!. !. !. my husband might be interested

*I meant photobucket- not photobookWww@QuestionHome@Com

Idk what kind of drum this is, but as far as the picture, you would have to put the photo you want to put up into a photo sharing website (photobucket is a good choice)!. Once you've uploaded to there, you can post the link to your image!. You can also embed the image in a page, but I think Yahoo! blocks html input!.

Hope my comment helps some!.Www@QuestionHome@Com