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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How much would you get paid to be a photographer?

Question: How much would you get paid to be a photographer!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
depends what type!. if your the most famous one in the world say annie lebowitz then loads!. photography for a paper (a papparazi) you would either work on commision or get very little!. to do wedding photography you would get around 20 thousand so not that much!. it is very hard to do it as an art and is not really much of a carrer choice!. my sister did a degree in photography got a 1st class honours and now works in subway!. it is very hard and competitive but really i wish you good luck xxWww@QuestionHome@Com

To restate your question,"How much do you get paid as a photographer!?" The standard answer I give to anyone seeking a career in photography is that if your first question is how much do I get paid then find another career!. Most of the photographers I went to school with are not in photography anymore and are doing other things to support their interest in the field!. If you love photography but money is a concern let me say that photography makes an excellent hobby!. That said a few of us make it, I am both an in-house product photographer as well as freelance photographer and I make a decent middle class income, but then again I really work hard to do this as I work 6 days a week and rarely see a vacation of more than 2 days in a row!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on what kind of photographer you are and how much education and experience you have!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It varies per job!.Www@QuestionHome@Com