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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What do you use to write on a grain of rice?

Question: What do you use to write on a grain of rice!?
Plz help me i need to know what kind of pen it is we have the tubes and everything you would need exept the pen what kind of pen is it and where do you get one!? If you dont know what i am talking about it is like the ones on here
----> http://www!.magicrice!.com\


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What they use is called a Technical Pen

Rice writing is the art and skill of being able to write small enough to write on a grain of rice!. Some people like Bly the Rice Writer are able to write large amounts on single grains of rice!.

Rice writing originated in Turkey where it was believed that good luck would befall anyone who owned a grain of rice with a message inscribed on!. An example exists in the Topkapi Palace Museum in Turkey!. It also has a long tradition in India!.

Most modern day rice writers use the following tools:

Common long grain white rice: This rice is a flat cylinder shape!. Because it is flat it provides two wide surfaces for writing!.

Sharp utility knife: This is used to scrape the rice slightly to remove ridges to provide a smooth surface for writing!. This scraping method can also be used to remove minor mistakes!.

Clay: Some people use a utility gripper clay and others use a modeling clay!. The clay is used to hold the rice in place while performing the writing!.

Technical pen: This is a drawing pen with an ultra-fine tip!. Most pens used are either size !.18 (4x0) or !.13 (6x0)!. These can be purchased online, or at some arts and crafts stores!.

Waterproof Ink: This ink is sold with the technical pen!.

Once the rice writing is complete, it is usually preserved in a small vial of oil!. Many craftsman mount these vials into jewellery such as necklaces, bracelets and key chains!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would glue different sized needles (look up insect pins for really small ones, you should get them in entomology supply places or maybe they have some at school) onto a toothpick or any small wooden handle!. Then I would use a knife sharpening stone under a dissecting microscope (ask school too) to grind it to the shape and sharpness I want!.

Your link doesn't lead to any penlike tool!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i believe its a very tiny paint brush!.
i have seen people writing on rice before, and they use a very thin paint brush!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A hair and chinese ink!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

a hairWww@QuestionHome@Com