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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I have an art question. Its about inking a drawing I made.?

Question: I have an art question!. Its about inking a drawing I made!.!?
I'm about to start inking a drawing I made and would like some tips and pointers on how to do it!. Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, first off I would fill my pens up the either the night or the morning before I start!. The ink has a habit of mysteriously ending up on areas you would claim you've never touched!.!.!. So let the ink settle with the pen balancing cap down!. That works to make sure you nib does not dry shut!.

After all that, practice on a scrap of the same paper so you can be sure how hard to press and how fast to draw, and you will be able to see how the paper absorbs the ink!. Fibrous paper tends to catch and clog in nibs!. also it will get any bubbles of ink clogged up before you actually start your project!. You'll probably need kitchen towel for blotting!.

Lastly, always start in the upper left hand corner of your project!. I know people have a habit of starting with the most interesting part of the image (myself especially!.!.lol) but if you start at the upper left hand corner you will be less likely to smear because you will be working left to right and your hand will never drag over your work!.

For using a dip pen!.!.!.!.

Unlike India Ink, water-based inks are easier to clean off nibs!. They can just be rinsed off!.

Use smooth, lint-free paper!. Rough paper can damage the nibs, causing them to catch onto the surface!. You will end up with ink blots and splatters if this happens!. Lint can get caught between the tines!.

If the nib ink flow suddenly changes (stops, starts, blots), dried ink or fibers from the paper could be causing the problem!. Cleaning will usually solve the problem!. If cleaning doesn’t help, examine the nib!. The tines may have become bent out of shape, or separated!. You can try to bend the pen back into shape with a pair of pliers, but it is usually better to throw the nib out and buy a new one!. If rust is the problem then the nib will have to be thrown away!.

When you start drawing, the nib must be pulled across the surface of the paper!. Pushing the nib will cause it to dig into or catch on the surface!. This will damage both the pen and paper and also cause ink to splatter and blot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you're not fully confident, you could get some wet media acetate and do an overlay!. This lets you see the ink as it will look over the drawing, without risking your actual drawing!. It's hard to do confident inking if you're worried about mistakes!.

Another way to approach it would be to make copies (or scan & print) of the drawing and do several, to work out how you want the inking to look!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well it depends on what route you plan on going, some people decide to just ink with fine point ball pens and others with indian ink and caligraphy pens, i prefer caligraphy and indian ink since its goes over nicely, and when used with an arsenal of fine caligraphy pen tips, the detail achieved is phenominal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there are so many tips to tell you right here!.!. like do it fast, practice your grip strength with straw, ect, ect!.!. try look at youtube!. you can learn much more there (with vids too!.)!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

try look at youtubeWww@QuestionHome@Com