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Question: Add people to photos!?
Hey I need help!. How can I take a photo of someone and put them in a photo with me or take someones head and put it on a different body!. Trying to get back at my gf who cheated on me while I was in boot camp!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
you can use paint!.
open both pictures in two different windows and cut out the head/face of a person and paste it on the body of another!.

as for putting two pictures together, you mean side by side!?
you can still use paint for this open a picture, shrink it so that it is small enough to fit the other picture and then paste the other picture in!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

look for photo shop or other picture editing programs i know theres one called gimp!.!. its said to be really good and free!. plus you can get free trials of many other ones if you don't want to pay for them!.!. thats only if your probably not going to use it them that much though!
haha good luck!.!.!.!.!

Buy photo shop!. But really, what's the point in getting back at her!? You're better off without her and she saved you from paying alimony someday!!

Should send her a thank you card that she saved you from wasting anymore time or money on her sorry butt!


Photoshop!. It's amazing!. For everything, not just revenge!.Www@QuestionHome@Com