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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Do you think I draw well?

Question: Do you think I draw well!?
This isnt my best drawing, but here is the link to my video!.


Im just practicing on drawing WHAT I SEE!. I have no problem drawing from pictures [I do actually have a lot of problems drawing full face pictures] But when it comes to people in real life, its so difficult for me!. Im trying my best, and I have come so far, Im also self taught!. I think I got the gift from my great grandmother though!.!.!.she was like over the rooftop artistic!. She could do anything!.

But any tips on how I could draw what I see, real life people!? =pWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You're better than most, to be sure, but your grasp on anatomy could use some work!. Take some time to study human anatomy-- proportions, musculature, bone structure!. By understanding what's going on under the skin, it will help you immensely to portray the human body more accurately!.

And of course you have to practice, practice, practice!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

as mentioned above, mangatutorials!.com is an EXCELLENT place to help learn anatomy!. you can learn a lot about real people from cartoons!.
anyway, i'd also work on the value a lot more, it's got a lot of potential, but value is all over!.
nice work though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i didnt particularly like it!. it wasnt realistic!. but itll get better just keep practicingWww@QuestionHome@Com

you're doing well, it does take time and practice, dont hurry on drawing people, also practice simple objects around the house, generic bowl of fruit, flowers in garden, practice lighting and shading, when trying to do people, notice the highlites and shadows, so you can gradually blend from white to grays, to darks, to shadows,


a good set of pencils and drawing pad,

