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Question: Photoshop help!.!.!. Version CS2!?
I am new to Photoshop and I was looking to find (If there even is one!.!.) on how to make a Photo look like a cartoon!? and I am also wanting to know with the same version of Photoshop is there a way to make the photo look like a painting!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
there are many free tutorials available on the web!. a simple google search like "photoshop cartoon effect" will yield probably a dozen great results!. a simple way is to use the 'posterize' filter and then the 'cutout' filter!. adjsut the slider bars to your liking!. there are more complex ways that include making a dot-screen!.
the painting is pretty easy too!. play around with the filter>artistic menu!.
if you're really into photoshop effects i recommend investing in a few books!. many smart people have already figured most of this stuff out and have written books about it!. a great one is 'photoshop fine art effects cookbook' by john beardsworth!. isbn #9780596100629!. you can get it at barnes and noble for around $30!. i have also seen excerpts on the web!. a few of the techniques described: daguerreotypes, art deco, van gogh flowers, warhol portraits, and the list goes on and on!.
if you don't want to buy the book just do a google search like this: photoshop + "technique" where the technique is whatever effect you want to do in photoshop!. i teach photography and have used this many times with great success when i want to find a cool project for my kids to do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try using the Posterize or Glowing Edges filter and filling in your colors from there!. Be sure to use a new layer (or layers) for each color/filled in section so that if you find pieces in the finished version that look somewhat "off" you can go back in and fix them without messing up the colors/sections that look the way you want!. You may also want to look into adding Adobe After Effects, as I believe there are more filters included and may give you an easier way to make your photo look like a cartoon (anyone with After Effects know for sure!?)!.

As far as making a picture look like a painting, try using the brushstrokes filters to get the look you want!. You can adjust the length of the brushstrokes as well as the direction, so it may be easier to use layers again and label them "left strokes", "right strokes", "up strokes" etc!. so they will lay on top of each other, creating a painted look!.

Good luck and have fun! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

the main trick with photoshop is to play about!.

alot of tutuorials can seem very confusing, and more difficult that necessary!.
from my experience, getting to know all the toold and drop-down options first helps!.

for example, the filters will give loads of effects!. try them :P

also if you want to make something look like a cartoon, a graphics tablet would be useful, then you can simply draw over the picture!.!.!.

but theres better ways, just go exploring ^_^Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try playing with the filters!. The 'paper cut' one might get you a cartoon like look!.Www@QuestionHome@Com