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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I need to create a photography portfolio, does anyone have any ideas about how t

Question: I need to create a photography portfolio, does anyone have any ideas about how to go about this!?
I have applied to do a photography course at university and they have invited me for an interview but I have to present a portfolio!. Im not sure what size the photos should be or the themes i should create!. I was going to do portraits and landscapes and perhaps black and white!. Does anyone know the type of display I should use!? All advice will be very much appreciated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The content of your portfolio should coincide with the content of the course!. Concentrate less on how to categorize the pieces, and more on choosing the appropriate pieces!. I would go with 8x10's, which you can frame nicely within a standard portfolio case!. Choose a nice case that is simple, so it doesn't detract from your work!. Avoid displays that require permanent affixing, for versatility and longevity!.

Feel free to email if you have additional questions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

or 8x10!.!.but thats a big big!.

and you should create variaty!.
sharp images, not too many from the 'same scene'!.
also, dont add weird borders or watermarks on them for your portfolio, have clean, well lit photos!.
good luck =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

start with a camera, and try taking some pictures!Www@QuestionHome@Com

8x10!.!. just takem wat ever u feel like life is art!.!. all kinds few of this/that !. few b/w!. few colour toWww@QuestionHome@Com

You don't say if it is a specialised or a more general course!. If it's in say 'Photojournalism' then you would naturally bias your portfolio towards this and demonstrate some experience and aptitude in this area!. If attending an interview please show some knowledge of the specialism!. I have come across students who apply for specialised courses and then seem to have not the foggiest idea about the specialist area or even why they want to do it - bad news!. If it's a more general photography course then you may want to simply show a range of interests, but I always think it's still advisable to demonstrate that you do have some particular liking/aptitude for certain genres!. Above all, exude enthusiasm for whatever you do, and this should come across in your submission! As for formats and sizes, go for quality, both technical and aesthetic, rather than quantity!. Make your prints etc the best quality you possibly can and show that you know what quality is!. If you include some dodgy ones it implies that you aren't really sure what is good and what isn't!. also, showing a variety of techniques/subjects isn't a bad idea, if all your work is very similar it's possibly going to be boring!. Size is not so very important but I feel it should be at least A4/10" x 8" if it's printed!. Do you have to have a printed portfolio by the way!? No computer presentations!? You may also want to get in touch with the department or present students on the course (via the Internet or preferably personal visit) and find out what they may be looking for - i!.e!. do your research!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com