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Position:Home>Visual Arts> For my logo portfolios, which text should I add?

Question: For my logo portfolios, which text should I add!?
I'm going to make a logo portfolios that I'd designed and I was pondering how to present them and I reallize that they need some text next for some explanation!.

This questions are for Graphic designers:

1!.- Do you belive that a Logo doesn't need any text!?, some GD think that a logo must speak for itself!. Or perhaps a minimum of data !?

2!.- If you belive that some text must been added, Which is nedded!? perhaps:

a) Client name
b) Product/service name
c) Year of design
d) Short Description for the service/product
e) Original idea and client needs
f) Designer's interpretation or solution
g) Notes and commentariesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you are speaking of an online portfolio, go to portfolio!.com and see what the top designers are doing!.

If you are speaking of a tangible portfolio, I advise you not to include text!. You are there to PRESENT your portfolio!. It's your job to discuss your work with the viewer(s), not make them read about it silently in front of you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Minimally, it would be a good idea to caption the image with the client's name!. Your potential new clients or employer's may want to contact your previous clients to find out if they were satisfied with your work, so, be sure to only include those clients that you know will give you good references!.

If you want, you might include the product or service the client offers!. But, you don't want to clutter your portfolio with information and other text that would be better explained in a face to face interview!. Your list of information shows that you are thinking about what a potential client may want to know, so, be sure you have all that information, on hand, in case these questions are asked!.Www@QuestionHome@Com