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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Nikon D60 is it good camera?

Question: Nikon D60 is it good camera!?
I bought a Nikon D60 camera yesterday!.
Do you suggest that camera!?
I'm a new member of that hobby
What do you think about Nikon D60Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think it's a great camera for a first DSLR!. Don't worry about people who say that you will have to spend more money on lenses because you need the focus motor in the lens!. That's all Nikon makes these days anyhow and there's not really much difference in price from the olden days!.

You will be able to use this camera for years!. Don't go into a panic and trade it back for a D80 either, as that's about to replaced with an upgraded model that will have some of the same advanced features that your D60 has but the D80 does not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on what you mean by good!.!.!. if you mean will it take picture that look good!.!.!. yes it will!.!.!. will it work with all the autofocus lenses Nikon makes or has made!.!.!. no it wont and for that reason it isn't a good camera for someone that intends on getting more lenses and growing!.!.!.!. it works fine for someone that is satisfied with the kit lens that came with it!.!.!. but for some unkown reason Nikon didn't put an autofocuse drive motor in the camera body so you will be forced to buy more expensive lenses than someone who bought a D80 which has a built in motor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I just bought one yesterday too - I think its a great starter camera - there are a lot of features i need to explore - I edited some photos yesterday on my photoshop elements and it worked out just fine - I like it so far!Www@QuestionHome@Com

its not horrible but you would get better pics and more functionality from almost any dslr!. my fav is the canon xsi!.Www@QuestionHome@Com