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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I just bought A Diana Camera and I can't find 120film,where can I find it?

Question: I just bought A Diana Camera and I can't find 120film,where can I find it!?
Or can I use other films!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
120 film comes in all different types and speeds, in virtually the same selection as 35mm film!. The availability is somewhat limited!. Most large photo suppliers (not "big-box" retailers, but dedicated camera stores) will have a wide selection!. Failing that, I buy large quantities from Calumet (http://www!.calumetphoto!.com) when I have an involved shoot on the horizon!.

I often shoot with a Holga (also a 120 camera); about 2/3 of the time I shoot TMax 100-ISO!.!.!.otherwise I'm generally using Fuji Velvia or Astia color transparency films!.

Enjoy the Diana! It's a great camera!

Good luck!

If you have a mom's and pop's camera store, or a Wolf, or a pro shop, you can get it there!.

Otherwise, you can either order from B&H or Wolf's either on the web or on the phone!. If you just want a couple of rolls, I would order from Wolf!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Where to you live!? !.!.!. most pro camera shops have 120 film!.

Try this place on line

If you can't find it locally, you can order it from B&H - http://www!.bhphoto!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com