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Position:Home>Visual Arts> True or False... anyone can be a photographer... and why?

Question: True or False!.!.!. anyone can be a photographer!.!.!. and why!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would say ALMOST TRUE!.!.!. thanks to Mr!. George Eastman, anyone who can press a button can be a photographer (tough luck for those who do not have hands)!.

But it takes great skill to become a great photographer!Www@QuestionHome@Com

True anyone can be photographer!. The interesting thing is that you can get a group of amatuers to shoot pictures of the same subject and will get all sorts of different results!. We all percieve this world and it's colors slightly differently!. So while anyone can become a photographer it's only a few that can take a scene and tell a story through the pictures they take!. A good photographer is one that understands all the bells and whistles of their camera and can put them to use!. Your mind is the driving force to achieving this also!. Interpretation of what you see is key!. You want the viewer to feel the emotions you felt when you snapped the picture!. Tell a story!. so not just pointing and shooting but evaluate tones, exposures, lighting, whitebalance, focus and angle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

False, everyone can photograph but not everyone can be a GOOD photographer!. It requires a special skill and artistic mind set to produce actually dazzling photo's, though it's very easy for an amateur to imitate such skill!.
As an active user on Deviant-art for years, I've seen many photographs that obviously were produced by an emo kid who thinks their photo has 'meaning'!.
I've also seen REAL artist's photos and ended up being blown away with the beauty and emotion in each shot!.
It depends!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's been said before, but really the question is too general!. Can anyone be a photographer!? Well, one needs to have the money to buy a camera!. That's about it!.

Can anyone be a skilled photographer!? Well, sure, I guess!. But to do that, one needs to actually think about what they are doing, how to frame the shot, how to expose the shot!. Willing to take criticism for what it is - potential methods of improvement!. So in the end, sure, anyone could be a skilled photographer, but the potential photographer needs the right mind set!. When the photographer thinks they can do no wrong, the possibility for growth is stunted leading to mediocrity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, technically true!. Most photography schools will admit ANYONE!. A lot of people choose photography because they think it will be fun, and it doesn't involve taking strenous classes!.

However many people don't have the eye for photography!. This really can't be taught, but is a natural gift!. For instance, I was browsing a horrible flickr photostream of a girl who was 19, and going to school for photography!. She claims to have started photography four years ago, however this doesn't show in her photos!.

So for those who do not have the eye, they will probably end up doing portraits rather than selling their pieces, or working for a magazine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anyone can get hold of a camera and take a photograph with it!. If you think that's all it takes, then anyone can be a photographer!. Rather in the same way that anyone can get hold of brushes, a canvas and paint, and apply the one to the other!. So anyone can be a painter!. The same with sculpture, or any of the visual arts!. Whether what's produced by this 'anyone' is of any interest or value is, however, a rather different matter!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good grief!.!.!. what a bunch of answers! Most seem to be saying true!.!.!. but I totally disagree with that!. I say FALSE!. I have met many people, my wife included, that do not have a clue as to how to properly use a camera and have NO eye for composition or artistic rendering of a scene!. I have even tried to teach some people like this, but they will never be able to get out of the full AUTO mode and their photos will never be nothing more than common, poorly composed, poorly exposed, amateur looking snapshots!.

Good photography is a SKILL and an ART!. Just as another answer said!.!.!. anyone can sing, but that hardly makes them a SINGER!. Well!.!.!. yes!.!.!. anyone can buy a camera, but many, many people will never even approach anything that can remotely be called a true PHOTOGRAPHER!.


Yes, but to be a pro that is different story!. Because a pro photographer must know all aspect of the camera, flash, and lens inside and out!. One thing that most new photographer has issue with is do manual focus and know basic about flash, those must be master first in order to become a pro, and has great knowledge of photo editing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

True, if you take a class and WANT to be one, you can learn how (Like using a manual camera in a digital camera world)!.

You might not take the most creative and unique pics, but you can still be a photographer, just not the greatest

Anyone can take pictures, but not everyone can be a photographer!. It takes an artistic eye to be a photographer and not everyone has it!. Can you learn it!? Yes, I suppose you could learn to copy other photographer's style, but can they learn to have an eye of their own!? I don't know!. I don't think so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anyone can buy cameras!.
Anyone can take photographs!.
Anyone can get training and improve on any skills!.

Most can achieve a level that would be enjoyable for their own purpose!.

Smaller number can be good enough to be a paid for the skill they posess!.

Rare small number can be respected and achieve public recognition!.

It all depends on the level of expertise you want to achieve!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I say false!. You have to have an inate sense of creativity, imaginatiion, sense of compostion, color balance and technical skills to become a photographer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

While anyone can DRAW doesn't mean anyone can become a successful artist while anyone can SING doesn't mean they can become a famous SINGER while anyone can SNAP a picture certainly does NOT mean they can become a TALENTED and SUCCESSFUL PHOTOGRAPHER either!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

false not anyone could be photographer i am one i believe it has to be your passion, as it is mine u also have to have a great personality to bring out the very best of people, and have a good imagination to create a unic shotWww@QuestionHome@Com

both in a way, because anyone can pick a camera up and take a photo!. But it takes a special eye to be able to detect the perfect compsition in the world around the photographer and to capture that for the world to see!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

True and False anyone can be anything if they put their mind to it!.!. however that doesn't make you good a photographer you have to know what to shoot and when to and how to so bothWww@QuestionHome@Com

Anyone can be a photographer, but it takes someone special with a good eye to spot something special to be a good photographer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes anyone can be a photographer!.!.!.

can anyone be an artistic photographer!? NO!.!.!.it takes a keen eye and sense of angles and innovation to be an artist!.!.!.

some are born with and some are just not!.!.!.no matter what kind of training!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

True!. But now a days people buy an amazing camera take pictures of anything and claim to be photographers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

true!.!.!.!. just buy a camera learn how to use it and there you goWww@QuestionHome@Com

Anyone can take a good photograph!. It is a matter of mechanics!.

Not everyone has the artist's eye to see what could be a GREAT photograph!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think its true!. because if you practice enough and have enough skills you can!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

true, but some people have a greater oppurtunity than othersWww@QuestionHome@Com

well ye!! not everyone can photograph the same genres tho! some people can't do sport! some cant do animals!.!.!. it's all about what your good at! - finding it can be hard!!! try lots of things out!Www@QuestionHome@Com

true - because if you think you can, then you CAN!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

true beacuse anybody can take a picture andWww@QuestionHome@Com

true anyone can be a photographer
but they have to know how to operate it thoughWww@QuestionHome@Com

true!.!.with training and practiceWww@QuestionHome@Com

True, but not everyone can be great!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

true cameras are cheapWww@QuestionHome@Com

true--anybody that owns a camera lolWww@QuestionHome@Com