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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Umbrella academy?

Question: Umbrella academy!?
does gerard way draw the comics as wel as write it, or does sum1 else illustrate!?

are they out yet, if so where can u buy it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yeah , i think he does the entier thing !. but i know for sure he is the illustrater ! you can get them online , thats where i got two of mine !. but i dont know if they sell them in stores , i havnt seen any !. good luck finding them !

MCR RULZ !!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

oh,i've not bought it yet,tell me where can I buy it too!?!?!!but hm,,,here is Iran,anyway i can't unless i ask my uncle!.
but I know that!.!.!.hm!.!.!.i read it a while ago ,an interview about his comic book when it hadn't come out yet,
well,the interviewer asked him who drws the pictures,and Gerard Way told him that he's done some of them by himself but because of Project Revo!. tour, he didn't have enough time to do all of them ,so most of the pistures are drawn by anotehr person,,,hm,,,i don' remember his name,sorry,but I'm sure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

umm ithink he does most but not all but u can get them or rather u could get them at hot topicWww@QuestionHome@Com