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Question: Airbrushing!?
i am very creative and love to do art and things with spray paint (not graffiti under bridges art) like different murals on things!. my one friend suggested air brushing!. the walmart near me used to sell a airbrush kit with the model cars and now NO walmart sells model cars since idk when but does any one know here i can get chepa kits that dont invole like a pressure generator or something like i could use outside my house!. thanks so much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I looked on eBay and found some good deals on airbrushes!. You do not want to get a kit with the compressed air in a can, as you will constantly be buying cans of air, and it will get expensive fast!. Find a kit with a small compressor!. There are two types!. The real cheap ones are pass through, where the motor is always running, and the air is constantly passing through the air brush!. On the better ones, the air pressure is only released when you are spraying!. The motor turns off when not spraying!. The most annoying thing about all air brushing is changing colors, and cleaning the cups and the gun!. It is messy, and time consuming!. If you just want to play around, and not commit a lot of time and money, you can go to an art supply store, (or eBay) and get a " mouth atomizer"!. It is this cheap little metal thing , that is two chrome straws that mount together on a pivot!. It looks kind of like one of those metal compasses from geometry class that you use to draw circles!. These things cost about $2!. They work on the exact same principal as an airbrush, but you blow in the end with your mouth!. It is a crude device, and you will never get the fine control of an airbrush, but you will have lots of creative fun, and unlike a spray can, you can mix your own colors!.Www@QuestionHome@Com