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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I'm looking for a photographer?

Question: I'm looking for a photographer!?
Hi I'm making my own website and I'm looking for a photographer who has a website that they'd like to me to put a link from my website going onto theirs, that will help promote their website!. I'm very new to this!. I'm preferably looking for a photographer based in South Africa or Zimbabwe who's photos are from there!. I am a Zimbabwean and appreciate the African nature and my website is promoting the African nature!. However, I am looking to put more than one link on the website so if you are interested send me your link and I'll post it on my website whether it's based in Africa or not!. If you'd like more info please feel free to e-mail me through yahoo!. Thanks for taking your time!.

My website:


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, it's a start, but you'll have to put a lot more content and photos on it before anyone's going to show much interest!.
Do some searching for similar sites to get inspiration!.Www@QuestionHome@Com