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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Studio lights and Boken help?

Question: Studio lights and Boken help!?
I have a 650 W/S alien Bees light fitted with a brolly box, and 2 100 W/S flash bulbs fitted with umbrellas one shoot through and one silver reflective!. Ok I think I know my problem but just want some other suggestions!. I want a blured background in my shots but with my lights I am having trouble shooting at 2!.8 and shutter 1/200( highest sync speed for my camera)!. It is still too bright even with my lights at the lowest output!. I tried one light, 2 lights and all three varring my setup but I cannot get the results I want!. The conclusions I came to was that I need a larger background and need to have my subject further from the background and my camera at like f/11 and 1/125 iso 100!. Is there another way to get the boken I want!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Move the light further away from the subject!

Light sources spread out very quickly and intensity diminishes by about 70% each time you double the distance!. To get an idea of how effective this is take an exposure with a light source five feet from a subject!. Move the light back five feet and take another picture, then compare the settings and the effects!.

P!.S!. The term is Bokeh not Boken!.

Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How about if you move the light away from the subject!?

Other than that, I think a ND (neut!. density) filter will certainly cut down the light, so you can use a larger aperture!.

(Is there any control on the light source itself!?)Www@QuestionHome@Com