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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I'm looking for a good art class I can take?

Question: I'm looking for a good art class I can take!?
I want to take some art classes, like painting or drawing!. I'm not that experienced but I really love art!. I want to sign up for classes somewhere, but I don't want to attend a community college!. I'm about to be a senior in high school, where's a place I can go to, like from an experienced instructor!? Like someone that doesn't require a portfolio since I just started!.

I live in Waukegan, Illinois!. I can ride a train down to Chicago for classes!. Any Ideas!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I currently attend a 4-year university, and I know that our art department requires two classes in the "foundations" category!. One is called 'Intro to Drawing and Life Drawing' and the second one is called 'Intro to 2D Design!.' They are both an excellent place to start if you want to learn principles of art/design and to improve your drawing skills!. I am in California, but I think these two classes are pretty much standard across the U!.S!.

I only recommend taking painting after you've taken these classes because you need to know the basics of composition, color theory and drawing skills before you paint!.

Good luck and happy art-making!Www@QuestionHome@Com