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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is a filter?

Question: What is a filter!?
can anyone tell me wat a filter is!?!? i always read about them but no one says wat they are!.!.i think this is a fairly easy question to answer so i hope ya can thanks in advanceWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Since this is in the Visual Arts>photography section, I'm guessing your talking about a Photoshop filter!.!.!.

In Photoshop and other graphic applications, a filter is a particular effect that can be applied to an image or part of an image!. Filters can be fairly simple effects used to mimic traditional photographic filters (which are pieces of colored glass or gelatin placed over the lens to absorb specific wavelengths of light) or they can be complex programs used to create painterly effects!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is generally made of paper and it is used to keep tea leaves or the coffee grounds out of your finished beverage!.

A lens filter is made of transparent material/glass and it is designed to let only certain colors of light through!. It screws onto or is affixed to your objective lens!.

In the age of RAW and digital cameras about the only filters you need today are Polarizers, IR filters, and graduated ND filters!.

You can even go without the graduated filters if your competent at HDR!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Filters are a good thing to put on your lens!. They kind of act like sunglasses for your lens!. They protect your lens from UV lights, dust, scratches, etc!. You can also get colored filters that change the way your pictures look!.

This page should give you some good basic information about filters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com