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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I have orb pictures, I started taking pictures when I started hearing things Whe

Question: I have orb pictures, I started taking pictures when I started hearing things Where can I have them looked at!?
I want honest answers!.I am going to put it on myspaceWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
this site http://www!.the-atlantic-paranormal-socie!.!.!.
you can post your photos and get the feedback your looking for!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just enjoy them !.!.!. most are caused when shooting using P&S cameras where the flash is very close to the lens and there is dust in the environment which catches the light and reflects the light back into the lens!.

I have a number of such images and have to smile each time I look at them !.!.!. I was lucky once and one of my friends was celebrating her graduation from college and during the celebration I got some great orb shots! Now we kid her about her Irish ancestors showing up to her party!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Honestly you need the help of two people!.

1!. a photographer to explain you are not seeing orbs

2!. a good person to talk to if your hearing things, consult the relevant health care professional
