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Question: SLR Digital Cameras!?
I have been taking pictures for a very long time using a vintage black and white film camera!. I have recently decided to upgrade to a SLR digital camera!. I have no idea what to look for when choosing the right one!. I do not want to spend more than 550 dollars!. Do you guys have any advice what brand, where or what to look for!? links to good sites would be great!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well I have to mention that Becky is a little off !.!.!.!. the 18-200 mm VR lens is one of the sharpest and most popular lens right now!.

Okay, that settled, what camera are you using to shoot your black and white film!? You should just look for an entry level DSLR that will use the same lens or lenses you already have !.!.!. what is most important is the metering the camera you have now!. Each company has a slightly different metering system!. If you have been getting perfect exposures using your current SLR, then stick with the same brand when you look at the DSLR

If you want the most bang for the bux, look at the Nikon D40 with AF-S, ED 18-55 mm lens for under $470!.


I have the nikon d-40 and i love it!
you should look for high mega pixels ans well as manual and automatic settings!. you will absolutally need a filter!. as far a lenses go, look for one maybe 17-55 mm with both manual and auto settings and nothing like 17-200 or all your pics will be blurry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i have an olympus e-500 and i understand they are in the 500 dollar range now!.
i am pleased with my camera, yes!. and it came with two lenses that are good for what i shoot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If consumer reports means anything to you, they have nice things to say about the Olympus cameras!.Www@QuestionHome@Com