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Question: Photo Portfolio website!.!.!.!?
Hi Everyone,

I am looking to create a professional looking website to showcase some of my photo's!. What is a good free or inexpensive website hosting service that is easy to use for someone who has never done this before!.

I am not looking for a Flickr or Picasa kind of site but rather one that will be like my own and is more flexible as to content!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Better Photo has easy to set up websites specificially geared toward photo displays!. Inexpensive too!. You will also have your own domain name!.


(See the "Get a Website" tab for info)!.

Here is my site to give you an idea, but there are many, many more looks you can have, as well as all the gallery catagories you would like!. Mine is kept pretty simple and basic!.



www!.printroom!.com (you can sell here)



do you shoot lots of people!?
try onemodelplace!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com