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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Any Graphic Designers? Advice ?

Question: Any Graphic Designers!? Advice !?
Well what do they expect from u !?
Did they ask u to perform you skill on the spot during an interview !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You should show them why they should hire you over any other person!.!.!.also, your portfolio should contain your best work!.!.!.They may ask you to create an ad or something during the interview!. I remember I went on a interview for a position that consisted of using Quark, and in school we rarely used Quark, we focused mainly on photoshop and illustrator!. So, the ad I created in Quark during the interview looked like garbage, but when I work in Photoshop and Illustrator I'm pretty good!.!.!.Of course I didn't get hired for the job, but its ok!.!.!.turns out it wouldnt have been an ideal position for me anyway!.!.!.but yeah, they may test your skills during the interviewing process!. Try to make color copies of your artwork to leave with them!.!.!.Instead of just a plastic binder for a portfolio, try to use something more professional, like a leather binder or something similar!.!.!.!.little things like that can make you stand out!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com