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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do you take pictures without getting too annoying?

Question: How do you take pictures without getting too annoying!?
I'm new at photography (started in '07) and sometimes I feel like I'm a bug buzzing around the person that I'm getting shots of!. When I sense their frustration I move away and let them have their space!. Even when another photographer is trying to get the best spot I move away!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you want to be successful and get the "good" shots you'd better learn to be (pushy that is)!. These other photographers "know" what they're doing!. Learn from them!. If you want to be successful in this kind of photography, you "must" take control!. You must "dominate" the situation, or you won't get any images worth a thing!.
Push your embarrassment aside!. Forget and ignore what others think!. Go for the best shot no matter what, and you will succeed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're so polite! That's good!.

As a photographer, I piss off a lot of people!. Scare a lot of people!. Get a lot of weird reactions!. I even look very silly myself, more often than not! I do my best not to be annoying, but sometimes there is no way around it, AND I NEED THAT SHOT!! I do what I have to do to get my shot!. I guess I'm just an aggressive photographer!.

If you want to get that perfect shot, you might have to feel uncomfortable and be a little disregarding!. Or maybe take a step back, use a longer lens, and give people their space!.

What kind of photography are you doing anyways!? Do these people ask you to take their photo!? If so, I think they just need to learn some patience!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Rebuild your confidence!. Make sure what ur target is before shotting off!. also, encourage your model, communicate more!. don't just move away!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe you should ask them first!?Www@QuestionHome@Com