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Question: Wanting your honest opinion on my photography!.!.!.!?
I am new to taking modeling type photos and would like your opinion on them!. I know that I need much more equipment and to learn how to use the equipment that I do have much much more! I have lots to work on but would like your opinion!. Lighting is one of my worst problems, I am very aware of this! Please don't judge the models as this is about the photography not them!. Thanks so much in advance!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the edited in link on the railway lines - the BG is distracting and washed out, expose for the background and use a flash to fill the model!. The BG is so distracting, whos house is it!?

Use reflectors and flash outside, reflectors fill shadows and the flash give life to the eyes!.

Your compositions are fairly centered - work on it!.

The girl on the dock(!?) is a pleasing shot!.

Theres a deadness to the indoor shots esp around the eyes, as you say more work needed on lighting - its the name of the game!.

Pretty impressive actually, your well on the way!. Try some night school courses on lighting that will be the fastest way to learn!.

Are you using a tripod!? the images are soft where they shouldnt be - like camera shake!?!?


Since you ask for honesty, I don't particularly care for most of them!.

I do like the first one though - I like the location, the use of natural light, and the fact that the eyes are hidden in shadow!. Out of all the pictures that is the one looks like it's most likely to appear as an advert in a magazine like GQ or Vanity Fair!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

oo!.!.!. I really like 'em

Good lines and everything!.
The only thing!.!.!. is what you already said, Lighting!. ( and thats only on a couple of them)
You should enter them in the local fair!.!. and art shows, I did that!.!.!. and sold one!.!.!. and got high prizes on the other ones!.

Just by curioisity what camera are you using!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I liked them as an Amateur photographer myself I've never really been too comfortable photographing humans but you seem to have got the focusses quite nice with soft backgrounds when required and drawn the eye of the viewer to the subject in others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the only suggestion I would offer is adjust your lighting!. that and the contrasts between the model and the background; everything came out too dark!. but other than that they were good,Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm no pro but i think you need to work on your lighting and also your models there beautiful but like for example the first one was good but her hair was covering her face, play a lil with posing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Excellent potential! Learn your lighting and you're on your way!Www@QuestionHome@Com

That was a pretty good effort, they looked good to me "Good Luck"Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can't really add to the comments above, esp since I am not a pro!. Lighting seems to be the next issue to work on!.

The third is my favorite!. You said not to judge the model, but!.!.!. I don't whether to credit her or you for the detail in her eyes!. Beautiful! The things is - next time - your 40D shows such detail, she needs to shave before the next shoot!. That is all a part of the prep work, I think!. If you were a food photographer, it's up to you to see that the food looks its best!. I think it's the same with models and it would be up to you to notice that detail and tell her about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1st Pic: Very nice!. Pay attention to the surroundings, such as the table in front of her leg is in a continuous line!. so it blends together, can look funny in pic's!. Kind of like when you take a picture with a lamp pole behind someone's head looks like they have an antena!. >=o] Just angle the camera differently or choose a new spot!. Gorgeous coloring on this photo!. Have the model look towards the light source a bit too!.
2nd: Sorry, I don't care for this picture at all, the model is interesting, but it looks like just a snap shot!.
3rd: Really like this picture, just need to watch the exposure on the white shirt, but I like it!.
4th is interesting!. Good lighting!. Watch the model's poses!. A trick you can do that I use in artwork, squint your eyes & if something is standing out to you while squinting, it's probably going to be too dominant for the photo, I did this with the 4th pic & her legs/pants stand way out, so does her pose!. So adjust your angle or model's pose!.
5th: I like this one, though her face would be a lot nicer if it had some direct light on it!. I think you do a great job with capturing the background scenes with the model!. Like them better then the dark backgrounds!.
6th: Nice photo, but a little bland!. Pay attention to the angle of the camera, make sure your camera is even with straight lines in your subject, like the pole she's next too looks like it's leaning over!. I would invest in better quality B&W film (I'm assuming it's 35mm & not digital!?)
7th picture didn't show!.
But I really think you got a lot of potential!. You got a great eye for color!. Keep at it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ok, not too bad!. One thing you need to be careful about is your lighting on the girl with dark hair ( the 2nd and 4th links!.) Her hair is so dark that she seems to blend into the dark background!. You can't see how her hair looks or where it ends and the background begins!.

I liked your setting with the wedding dress!. The glamorous dress in the bland setting was a nice look!. Be careful on how you pose her to make her body flattering!. If not, then one tends to focus on her arms instead of how it all blends together!.

You can do really cool photos with subpar equipment!.!.!. so don't worry about that!. Work with what you have at the moment!. I think your work shows promise!

Good luck as you learn and grow! More than anything - HAVE FUN! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, let me see!. Where to start!.
It's a beginning!. You most definitely need work on your choice of backgrounds, and your lighting, and the use of fill-in flash!. The only setting I really liked was the railroad tracks!. Remember, the background is one of the most important things in a shot, and generally, it should always be "out of focus" so the viewers attention is only on the subject!. The brunette model in the first few photographs is a very beautiful woman and knows how to pose, and that's an asset to you!. Use her in the future while you're developing your talents!. also, have your models use much more makeup!. The camera will not pick it up when they do, and it will smooth out their faces!.
If you're hoping to get into fashion photography, you should "study" the photographs taken by the professionals, and read everything you can about it!. Get a very good education too!. That can only help you achieve your goals!.
And, have fun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com