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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Websites for glitter pics!!??

Question: Websites for glitter pics!!!?!?
does anybody know any websites that you can make glitter pictures like glassgiant!.com but not that one!?

and second of all how do you get writing over a picture of yourself like glitter writing for your msn!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
*www!.blingee!.com = Add glitter to your pics & photos
*www!.glitter-graphics!.ws = get glittery writing
*www!.toxxic!.net= glittery picz of winnie the pooh & stuff
*www!.glittershack!.com= Add glitter to your picture
* www!.glitterbase!.com= adding glitter to you photos
* www!.rockyou!.com = adding glitter to you picz for a wiget on ur site
*http://www!.glitter-graphics!.net/= for avatars,glitter text,graphics and more

Hope some of these helped =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go on www!.Google!.com and search Rock!.com or something!. I think that is the name!. Keep searching!. Go to Hi5!.com and sigh up you get to make tons of then!. also, there is one that works for sure!. Www!.Blingee!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com