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Question: Do i take good pictures!?
im 12 years old and these are some pictures i have taken and i dont want you judging them by my age like saying: "oh well there good for a 12 year old!.!." i hate that, im a human do not judge my age and thanks :)



Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you don't want to be judge by your age, don't mention your age (as nicely as I can say this)!. But since you stated your age, I think you're picture is very mature!. You have great composition!. I've seen some who have studied photography but I still have problems with their composition!. Composition is the first you have to think about for good photography!.

The only picture I didn't like is the second one!. I like your macros!. I'm just amazed on the black and white flower!. That takes some know how on photography!. You seem to know it with that picture!. Stay away from black and white with colorization - over done, and they are for greeting cards!.

You have talent as I see it!. With photography classes you'll even get better!. Except of the second one, they didn't look like it was taken by a 12 year old!.!.!. maybe, 13!.!.!. just kidding!.!.!. way better than most late teens and college students!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think they're ok but lacking originality!. If you really want to be a good photographer you have to shoot something in a way that makes other people see it how you want them to see it or in a different way they have never seen it beforeWww@QuestionHome@Com

I really liked several of them others I thought were so-so!. Overall I think you are doing well!. Keep at it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Whoa i cant believe you took those!.
Theyre amazing!.
I love them!.
You should really become a photographer!.
The first one is my favorite=]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Awesome pictures! They look professional!. Keep up the good work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some of the pictures are great, but a few of the others just look like average pictures!. I'd say you're doing well!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think your pictures are great!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com