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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I have photoshop but I don't know how to use it! I've spent hrs on it...

Question: I have photoshop but I don't know how to use it! I've spent hrs on it!.!.!. Am I broken!?!!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
a nearby community college has classes on that, and they aren't expensive, for true, check it out!.
and no, you're not broken!.!.!.my lovely and talented wife is driven to tears from time to time by some of these crazy programs!.!.!.i am merely driven to swearing and threatening hideous acts toward the inventors of such programs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Only hours!. It takes months or years to get good at it!.

No, you're not broken!. It's a complex piece of software!. I teach using PS and I don't know half of it's parts!. Look for tutorials on the internet!. Read the PS help and be sure to check out Adobe Video Workshop for some free video tutorials!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd recommend taking a digital photography class that includes learning photoshop!.

It's a complicated program, you could probably learn how to do somethings on it but you'll never truly master it unless you take a class or really commit yourself to reading online tutorials about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

read tutorials online!.!.!.



!.!.!.or you can search google for photoshop tutorialsWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's not too complex actually!. I am no where near a pro at it, but I picked up a few things quickly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com