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Question: Help! the position requires design experience!.!.!.!?
My degree was within a design discipline but after finishing my degree 5/6 years ago, I got a job in a completely unrelated area!. I am now stuck in rut with this job & would like to go back to doing something creative!. I have been thinking about doing this for a while, but it is a very competitive area & my confidence has plummeted whilst being in my current job!.However, a job as been advertised recently for a designer (for the degree which I studied) in my city and having looked for vacancies recently this is very unusual and so it seemed liked too much of an opportunity to shy away from!. I received the application form in the post the other day, and immediately got excited until I read it appears they are looking for someone who already has experience working in this field!. I would really like to apply anyway!? is there anyway I can improve my chances of at least getting an interview as I feel at least this would be a step in the right direction!? :-) ThanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Emphasise the qualities of your current job that might apply to a design job, for example, good organisational skills, client contact – the qualities you could bring to the new position as well as your design knowledge and talent!. If you have done any design-related work outside your job, for example, for a local charity or family and friends!.

It cannot hurt to apply for the job, but by being more proactive, making appointments to meet creative directors in agencies you are interested in to show them your portfolio will probably do more to get your foot in the door!.Www@QuestionHome@Com