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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I wanna do something creative but I don't know what!!?

Question: I wanna do something creative but I don't know what!!!?
Okay!. Many people are told me that I'm a good photographer but it personally think that Photography is booring and I'm not interested about it not at all!. I wanna do something that lives (music etc) but I don't know what!. I've been trying to learn Adobe After Effects but it was too hard!. I've been trying to make music but it is too hard!. Is there something more what I should try!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Music production is creative!. That's what my son wants to get into!. You know, studio work in which you alter the sounds of music, adjust the varying textures of it, all those gadgets and gizmos!. There are classes for that, and it will always be a lucrative job!. Besides, if the urge to compose something strikes you, if the Muse does happen to fly over your head, you'll already be in the right place!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Documentary film maker!. You film an event while it is happening and then edit it!. While you look at what you just filmed you will find the story in the situation; it is always unfolding every minute!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not many things worth doing are easy at first!. Your brain can be trained and then it is easy to expand on what you started in the beginning!. That is then called improvement!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

get a sock and a marker and a blanket and do handpuppetsWww@QuestionHome@Com