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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Free brushes for photoshop??

Question: Free brushes for photoshop!?!?
searching the web i came across a website called bitt box and blog spoon graphics!.com!. i was wondering why the brushes for photoshop and ext was free!. its there a catch!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
These are free brushes because people enjoy making and using brushes!. You can do this too!.

The only catch is usually that the person who created the brush will ask that you give credit to them if you use the brush in your own work, and many of them ask that you do not use the brush for commercial purposes (i!.e!. for business, to make money)!. They also ask that you do not in anyway repackage and sell the brush(es)!. But you can certainly tell someone where you found them so they can download them too!.

Most people who upload free brushes to website will have the information about how you may use them right there on the site, you just have to read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There shouldn't be!. However, you can check out the sites that I linked to below!. I use them and they have 100% free brushes without any catches!.

Ivan Brezak Brkan