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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How can i overcome an artist's block?

Question: How can i overcome an artist's block!?
i've been having block of almost 1 year now!. Its getting worse and worse!. i feel empty and spiritually dead!. I don`t know what to do anymore! Everytime i draw i hate my drawings and myself, i dont even think i can call myself an artist anymore!.!.!.Someone please help me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
travel to a sacred mountain!.!.!.
And meet a master!.!.!.
You'll come home and the block will be gone!.!.!.


Hang around other artists and get ideas!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What happened!? I mean, did something happen in your life to make your creativity disappear!? Maybe you're trying too hard!. You'll probably think I'm crazy for admitting this, but I was having a problem with depression and anxiety, and once I started taking medication for it, I had a hard time letting any kind of creativity flow onto paper!.

One thing that works for me: flip through magazines, catalogs, newspapers, etc!., for inspiration!. Seeing other people's illustrations and also photos of real people and events always gives me ideas for new pieces of artwork!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

dude i don't know it happen to me out of nowhere creativity is gone i quit making art for some time i make a piece once in a while its been like these for almost 2 years!.theres nothing you can do about except move im sure it will come back eventually!.if it helps this is what i do every time i feel like making a piece,i have to go out and party really hard then the next day my mind is full creativity try that it might work for youWww@QuestionHome@Com

If your emotions are involved, then I think you should go and see a doctor!. You could do best by getting expert help with your emotions just like you would with your body!. As far as your art, let me suggest a different medium!. What about sculpture!? Model magic is a very inexpensive air dry clay that is made by the Crayola people!. Trick your brain into thinking differently!. And there is always paper and scissors!. Matisse created many things with a pair of sheers instead of a pencil or a brush!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try doing something different artistically!.Sometimes the environment I'm in either adds or detracts from whatever inspiration I need!.When you've been doing the same kind of artwork for awhile then it's easy to crank them out mechanically but there's no inspiration!I'm a christian and praying and getting in the presence of God will definately inspire me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There's a book called "The Artists Way" many swear by, but to do something right away!.!.!. take a walk by yourself or do something completely leisurely BY YOURSELF!. Do something everyday!. I won't try to explain why this works, but let's just say its purging and refreshing to your creative self!.Www@QuestionHome@Com