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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Why do graphic designers prefer macs? Is it a MUST have or just a preference?

Question: Why do graphic designers prefer macs!? Is it a MUST have or just a preference!?
Okay I have a mac!. But honestly I like my PC better!. I am just starting school and would like to buy Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and Indesign!.!.!. should I buy the Mac or PC version!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You can go either way if you like!. Personally i wouldn't own a PC!. The reason most designers want Macs is because it has become the industry standard hardware!.
Since most design firms and commercial agencies use macs their files are usually mac formatted!. It is a hassle if you have a PC based business and want to exchange files for output!. Alot of the peripheral software and hardware in the design field is mac based as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My opinion is that it is because PCs were always touted to be superior for business!. also because Macs had better video quality, color control, and double the system bus!. Not to mention a superior graphics engine!. PCs were good for typing a corporate memo on, but not much more!.

also Macs run the Mac OS and not Windows!.!.!. which in my opinion is the bastid child of the oldest form of the Mac OS!. Windows has always been, and will always be second to the Mac OS!.
-Josh =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

I started using mac when I realized what i wanted to do, advertising design and photography!. It seem like the right choice for me also knowing that it was kind of like the industry standard!. I now own three one desktop and two macbook pro's and they are way easier for me to use then PC!. Most software and hardware in the design field is mac based, they work effortlessly and continuously with your mac especially adobe which was actually made for mac user's!. Most pc people that i now that are using adobe there computer always freezes up even with an great spec pc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a preference, not a must!. I have always worked on both!. If you're partial to your PC, I would advise you to go that route!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I use a mac, I personally find it easier!. It's a personal preference!.

Do whatever won't put a road block in your work flow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If all the software you use works on either computer, get what you like!.Www@QuestionHome@Com