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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Is Photo Flo necessary when developing film?

Question: Is Photo Flo necessary when developing film!?
Just wondering since we used this at school after all the developing, fixing, washing was done!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You use it so you don't get watermarks or streaks on the film!.

If you don't have Photo Flo at home, just use a drop of Joy or Dawn dishwashing detergent in 16 oz of water!.

I am wondering why your instructor did not cover this aspect with you

If you do get streaking on your film, you soon learn why it is worth it to use Photo Flo or something like it after you have spend hours using spot tone to get rid of the density inconsistencies on the printWww@QuestionHome@Com

no it is not necessary!. but if you live in an area with very hard water then you will wish you had it!. photo-flo is just concentrated soap!. it bonds with the mineral deposits in the water so the mineral deposits don't bond with your film!. this is what causes water streaks that can be difficult to clean off of your film!. if the streaks are on the emulsion side of your film then you can be royally screwed!.
ideally you should be doing the photo-flo with distilled water!. i did this all through college and always had great results!. but if you don't have very hard water you can get away without photo-flo and probably be ok!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All that is really essential for developing is developer - fixer and a long enough wash!.
Having said that there are many aids that help, wetting agent with the developer, and post fixing aids can't do any harm and make a better job of it!.
After all anything that costs so little and makes a job better or easier can't be bad can it!?
I used to know a chap that used a surgical spirit soak as a quick drier!. He was a professional that often had to turn out very quick prints for a paper!. He didn't like the drying box they used because he said you could not keep the dust out!.
Main thing is - "If it works - don't knock it!."Www@QuestionHome@Com


But why not!? It is the least expensive chemical used in developing film!.

You are much less likely to get water marks!. It is worth using!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No it is not necessary!.

It is a smart decision to use it, though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com