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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I was just watching Super Skinny Celebrity Mums & one of the hosts said you put

Question: I was just watching Super Skinny Celebrity Mums & one of the hosts said you put a stone on in a visual photo!.!?
Couldn't really describe the question thorough in the question because of the limited characters but I was just watching a program called Super Skinny Celebrity Mums and one of the hosts on there said, 'In real life these celebrity mums are actually even more skinny, because in a visual photograph it makes someone look a stone heavier!. I was just wondering if this was true, all answers are very much appreciated, Alun xWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is generally regarded as true that the camera seems to add about 10lbs to what you actually weigh and look like, so most people believe this is true!. Despite this, many people dislike looking at their own image on TV or in pictures or even hearing their own voice, as it's just something that's naturally built into humans!. This might mean people believe they look fatter in pictures, because they naturally don't like seeing themselves, and therefore attribute this dislike to their image looking fatter than they believe they are!. Personally I believe that the camera does add on a little weight, but then I'm not very photogenic at all! Hope I have helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com