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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Why are adults afraid of graffiti?

Question: Why are adults afraid of graffiti!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't know if adults are afraid of it!. Maybe they're afraid of knife and gun crime which they relate to grafitti!.

But I think they have a misperception about grafitti and see it only as a negative thing!. They have no understanding of the hip hop culture and mostly see people's ugly little tags spoiling nice white walls!. They don't appreciate the art in grafitti and buy the line that it's necessarily a crime!. Maybe they just haven't been exposed to the artful graffiti!. Maybe they just need to acquire the taste!. I guess some probably also feel excluded from what they perceive to be an exclusive group acting like snobs to outsiders!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We are not afraid, just disapointed that you have not yet realised that your scribbling is just absolute shite, and that nobody old enough to grow pubic hair is interested !.!.!.!.!. Stop wasting your time and get to art college if you have any talent !.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, I am afraid of graffiti!.
Or why work your but off to pay taxes to pay to scrub illiterate scribblings off the piggin walls, drawn by an "urban artist" !?
Or do you prefer to live in the gutter, hey it is your choice!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm an adult (57) and i collect the stuff!. i like graffiti and look for it whenever i am in the city, there is a whole lot of it that is very much art and a discipline in itself!.
it merrits study and a good long look!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because it doesnt come out of your expensive sofa when you try and clean it!!?!!?!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why is an adult afraid of some spray paint on a wall!!! where on earth did you get that from, cos its wrong!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

maybe because they might think it might go on they're house,car,etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no idea!!! but were the hell did u heard that from!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com