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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How intensive do you think a three week art class would be?

Question: How intensive do you think a three week art class would be!?
It's a pre-college summer program actually, at Brown University!. I'm taking Drawing the Human Figure!. How intensive do you think it'll be!? Any suggestions on working on skills outside of class!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I took a 5 week long art class before and we met Mon, Tues, Wed, and Thurs from 1 till 5pm!.!.!.!.so four hours a day, four days a week for 5 weeks!. It was figure drawing and my teacher was really amazing!.!.!.we had no assignments, but even with assignments it would not have been that intensive!. Your skills will significantly improve if you just make it to class and be as attentive as possible!. This was my teacher in case you are interested:


It shouldn't be terribly bad!. Due to the nature of the course, most of your work is going to be in the studio on live models - thats how mine was!. The only concern I would have is knowing that I'll probably get less out of the course because it's not a full semester's worth of practice and critiqueWww@QuestionHome@Com

if you really like to draw it won't be that intensive or hard at all!. To get more practice!.!.!.you could try getting a doll like Barbie or a wooden figure doll and use that!. I took an 18 week course at high school with close to 15 assignments but it was really fun ^_^ So don't worry, just do your bestWww@QuestionHome@Com