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Question: Tell me what you think :)!?
it is just a hobby!. i know they aren't that good, but i would still like to hear others opinions!.

:) thank you!.
and be honest please


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
For just a hobby, they look a little above average!. I have to shoot at an art show right now, so I'll check back in a few hours to give you a real critique!. Sorry!.!.!.

Okay, I'm back!. I feel your two strongest works is the one of the orange county fair!. It has some nice repetition and contrast!. Interesting subject matter!. I think the only thing that is holding it back is the fact there is no one in the foreground, up against the railing!. I think this would have added another aspect to the piece, while also giving a sense of scale!.

My favorite piece is the one titled "light switches!." Great composition, rule of thirds, contrast, and an interesting focal point!. Simple, yet beautiful!. You could change it to black and white, but I think this works just as well!. Good work!.

My only other suggestions would be to think about good focal points and composition!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really enjoyed these photos!. I think you captures a daily life almost perfectly!. Your colours are sublime!. It would be a pleasure to see more of these and I hope you get serious about this hobby and or buisness!. I would suggest you enter a few local contests, you will get plenty of professional feedback that way!.

Keep taking pictures!


I definitely like the fact that you "see" something you want to capture in so many different subjects!. It shows some creativity and imagination!.

There is the technical side of photography, and the creative side!. You will need both!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some of the less colorful ones are ugly!. I really like the Grand Canyon one!. Most Grand Canyon pictures are just shot straight across (side to side) the deepest part of the canyon!. Showing it endwise is a lot more interesting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you are very talented and have the potential to become a great photographer!. My favorite one is Priscilla closing her eyes and sticking her tongue out at you!. LOL That's cool!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Woww!. Thaz good girlay! Thts great!. U should see my pix, ughh there okay but not better than urs!. Well!. c ya later!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you're veryy good! :]]
I didn't like the lawn chair thing!. :[Www@QuestionHome@Com